Article archive
08/24/2016 14:29
John of Ford (or John of Forde, you can find both ways of spelling his name) will be our mentor for the next 6 months. Our proposal is to read and meditate together on his Sermon 13 on the Song of Songs.
You can check Hilary Costello's, OCSO introduction to his life and writing in "Sky-Blue is the...
01/30/2016 11:57
This time our topic is our cenobitic life, and Baldwin of Ford will be our mentor.
Our proposal is that we ponder together some pages of his tractate XV: pp 157-164 (Of the Common Life of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and pp 170-181 (Of the Sharing of Grace which Makes the Common Life, and Of...
12/11/2015 10:38
We will work on Aelred´s sermon 32 until the end of January
05/23/2015 11:22
This time our mentor is Bernard, and we are going to read and meditate on his Sermon 28 on the Song of Songs.
We will be working on this chapter till mid-August.
05/23/2015 11:21
This time our mentor is Bernard, and we are going to read and meditate on his Sermon 28 on the Song of Songs.
Yes, I know that monks and nuns usually have mixed feelings –love, hate or something in between- about Bernard, and these Sermons in particular, but I believe that together we can...
02/04/2015 13:50
This is the chapter we are going to be working on for the next three months (pages 100 to 108 and 132 to 136 of St Gertrud´s Book II of The Herald of God´s loving Kindness, CF 35).
All the responses you sent for the past chapter, Waiting, were beautiful. Thank you so much!
02/04/2015 13:45
Our proposal for the next chapter of Cistercian Mentors is to read and meditate together on pages 100 to 108 and 132 to 136 from St Gertrud´s Book II of The Herald of God´s loving Kindness (Cistercian Fathers Series, CF 35). The name of this chapter is From Myself into You, which are Gertrud´s...
12/27/2014 16:25
We are planning on starting a new chapter in February. It will be emailed to you.
12/15/2014 15:53
Compare waiting in a doctor’s office, or for a webpage to load, to eagerly awaiting reunion with the one you love. The first fills us with an oppressive sense of restless passivity. There is a banalization of time we do anything we can to escape: scrolling through our phone, thumbing the heap of...
11/15/2014 15:39
The first three responses to Guerric's First Sermon for Advent have been published on the blog of our Cistercian Mentors website. Thank you so much for sharing these very good reflections with all of us.
Items: 1 - 10 of 14